Julis59 accused me a copy of your drawing. I don't know yet if I need withdraw my entries. I posted news Entry #257 Entry #2587
Julis59 says ( entry #171 ) I want to protect my LPC inside the oval shape, and also the sun rays, please withdraw your entries #243, #198, #236, #197 and #196.
did u withdraw those!? bring the withdrawn ones back!! the inverted chevron was my request to juls59, they cant claim that as theres if its my request, can they?
When you ask a change for someone and asks the same thing to another person, the person who posted first think he has the right to say that the other one is copying. It can happen that this designer to open a logo court against the one is copying and if 15 people say that he is copying, he is banned from the contest and his entries are deleted. Thus, the best way to ask for change of elements you want in your drawing is by Contest Discussion at the bottom of the principal contest page (you wrote there already (February 17th, 2014, 7:33pm). For example, you can ask for ellipses, LPC within the ellipse, up chevron, chevron down, colors, etc..
Well, After you selected the Top 5 Designers all my drawings appears: "Client prefers other designs"... So I concluded that all my drawings were out of the competition. In this stage only Top 5 Designers can submit new projects.