I noticed I need to make the profile more pronounced since at a smaller size it isn't visible...
Any input is appreciated...all elemets of the layout, colors and illustration may be altered, rearranged or interchanged. Font preferences also may be suggested.
Would you want to see more colored backgrounds and/or with the flourishes as this or as your sample attachment...is that one of your preferences? Thank you, Tere
Thank you! I like the flourishes in #22 and I love the figure holding the pie. The apron style in 26, 27 and 28 is preferrable. I worry that the font and flourishes won't jump out enough when we tranfer this to aprons and other clothing..? The font stands out the best in #25.
I missed that this will be printed on an apron...I will work with that...since your will most likely be silkscreening I understand. I will make some adjustments and maybe change up the flourishes a bit and bolder. and check back for your response.
I played around with some different fonts as well as on one simplified the fourishes...although for silk screening it may need a heavier line for that application.
There are so many possibilities on the fonts. 100s in each category of scripts, serif and san serif