I'm picking you as the winner, but I would like to work with you to arrange some changes. I would like you to give me the logo in pieces, such as the square LREP separate from the rest, so that I may choose to put it at the top if it fits better for my purpose, like on letterhead or a business card. I also liked the version you gave me where Real and Pros was bold and Estate was not. Could you send me that also?
Just a quick update in case you reply and i delay, because in Portugal is late and i will sleep in a few minutes, but i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more revisions if needed, feel free.
I´ve submited revisions for your appreciation, please check them and let me know what do you think.
If you need anything else just let me know please.
Just a quick update in case you reply and i delay, because in Portugal is late and i will sleep in a few minutes, but i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more revisions if needed, feel free.
OK, it's been brought to my attention that the Real Estate Pros needs to stand out more and be larger. Everyone knows we are in Louisville, so driving down the road and seeing "Louisville" on a sign won't mean much. We need to enhance the Real Estate Pros portion of it. Can you try that?
Can you give me a version where the LREP circle is the same size as Louisville, on the top line, and Real Estate Pros spans the length of the circle and Louisville.
Could you resubmit without the skyline in the "o" and with Real Estate Pros larger, spanning across under Louisville all the way and spanning across the whole thing, making the circle with the LREP more in line with Louisville. thanks
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Just a quick update in case you reply and i delay, because in Portugal is late and i will sleep in a few minutes, but i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more revisions if needed, feel free.
I will leave you my timezone bellow in case you need to check:
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
I appreciate all your great feedback.
Please check revisions bellow and let me know your thoughts:
- #331 | #332 | #333 | #334
If you need anything else just let me know please pamruck, feel free.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Thanks for the feedback on my logos.
Submited few revisions so you can considerate, please check and let me know what do you think.
If you need anything else just let me know please, feel free.
Thank you.
Kindly regards,
Hope all is well with you today.
I´ve studied some fonts so you can compare, please check and let me know what do you think.
Anything else you may need feel free to as as always please.
Thank you.
Kindly regards,
Thanks again for the feedback, yes makes sense.
I´ve submited revisions for your appreciation, please check them and let me know what do you think.
If you need anything else just let me know please.
Just a quick update in case you reply and i delay, because in Portugal is late and i will sleep in a few minutes, but i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more revisions if needed, feel free.
I will leave you my timezone bellow in case you need to check:
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Please check revisions done for your appreciation and let me know if it´s something like this you would like to see:
- #229 | #227
If you need anything else just let me know please.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Hope you´re having a great day.
Thank you for your great feedback on my logos.
Submited a few revision for your appreciation, please check and let me know what do you think.
If you need changes feel free to ask please.
Your feedback is always welcome.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,