Just curious, how can I improve on this design? I am sure you noticed, it is extremely shiny (projecting precisely your products abilities), chrome in fact. Trying not to make it look like brushed aluminum. Would appreciate feedback. Just want you to get you great design.
Thank you for your input thus far. Your idea is awesome and we appreciate the time spent on creating the logo. We feel that the letter/Fonts maybe to large and cartoonish. You are absolutley correct about creating a shiny logo, and that is what we are looking for, but more masculine. We like the handwriting style of the "L" because ironically enough that is how LOU writes his name.
Here is a different version. I changed the typeface on the new submission. The reason for the type being scaled the way it is is to provide impact. Sitting on a store shelf it will attract attention. It follows design principles 1. easily read 2. projects the products strengths 3. balanced and proportioned