The color contrast is nice and the design creative. I picked the one I like the best out of your designs. I like the line going through the Apple which appears to be at a slant. I would like the .com to stand out a little more, but not taking away from the design. Thanks for the work. I hope to see more from you before making a decision.
I am really liking your design the most, so far. Is it possible to change the colors? Perhaps some red, black...or red with silver....? What ever you think will mix well with red...keeping it simple, as you have. I really appreciate it. Thank you
The color mix is looking really good! Though, I like some others, If I had to make a choice today, I would go with your logo. It's the most appealing to me, so far. If you have any other thoughts, that does not completley change the design, I am interested in seeing. Otherwise, thanks for the great logo! In a day or so, I will decide. The final one, I will need my slogan added to the bottom of the logo. The way your design is that does not look like it will be a problem. However, this is something I will have to ask you to do, if you keep the #1 spot....Thanks for a lot for your work!
Thanks for adding a slogan. Since, I have not decided exactly what it should say, this is very helpful to me. Also, I do like it. Is it possible to make the slogan stand out more, without taking away from the design to much. I appreciate all your work!