Mare -
Don't complete prior email, please work from this latest changes below. Can get this down to 6 rework illustrations if you are willing :)!
ENTRY 246 (3 Versions)
- Logo: make heart bigger, more red and arrange bottom leaves. Just like entry 190 and 245.
Does it look good with red color extending into veins of small two leaves and blue flame?
Add logo shadow like Entry 249.
VERSION 1 - leave blue flame whole.
VERSION 2 - put person silhouette in white in blue flame, no sparkle on end of hand.
VERSION 3 - fill person silhouette with red color.
- Name: make Longevi font cool color royal blue, Tea stay same green or turn to black, look at it both ways
for me. Maybe give me one of 3 with black Tea font. I also like the shadowing MaxK did in number 1.
- Slogan and Ultimate Essiac: Please match MaxKs layout in number 1. Basically reverse and make
Slogan black, Ultimate Essiac matching royal blue color you pick and put on bottom. Give me one version with whole lines outside of Ultimate Essiac and not faded.
ENTRY 249( 3 Versions)
- Logo: make heart instead of dot, match that royal blue color for heart. Change red small right side flame to
same blue color. Does it look good with blue color extending into veins of small two leaves and red
VERSION 1 - red flame whole.
VERSION 2 - put person silhouette in white in red flame, no sparkle on end of hand.
VERSION 3 - fill person silhouette with blue color.
(All below the same as Entry 246 changes.
- Name: make Longevi font cool color royal blue, Tea stay same green or turn to black, look at it both ways
for me. Maybe give me one of 3 with black Tea font. I also like the shadowing MaxK did in number 1.
- Slogan and Ultimate Essiac: Please match MaxKs layout in number 1. Basically reverse what u have and
make Slogan black, Ultimate Essiac matching royal blue color you pick and put on bottom. Give me one version with whole lines outside of Ultimate Essiac and not faded.
Really tried to be concise and minimize changes now, this will get me very close.
Thank you!!!