Hello amaldo14, Thank you for your feedback. These are the color variations. #167, #168, #169, #170, #171
colored background #172, #173, #174, #175, #176
more feedback are welcome.
Thank you.
You are the best thank you. Could you please just show me some color variations? Given that its your logo that will win I would like to to what colors you think will look good.
Hi amaldo14,
Yes, I will provide all the files you need.
Ai, Eps, Pdf, Jpg, png(Transparent).
Just tell me what file that you need :)
Thank you so much.
hello, i'm pretty certain you will win the content. when you do can you please be sure to shoot me an email with the photoshop file as well as the eps for whatever we decide on...my address is alex at mtbmedia.com
Comment Activity
If you have more feedback, please let me know.
Thank you
Best regards,
#167, #168, #169, #170, #171
colored background
#172, #173, #174, #175, #176
more feedback are welcome.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Yes, I will provide all the files you need.
Ai, Eps, Pdf, Jpg, png(Transparent).
Just tell me what file that you need :)
Thank you so much.
Best regards,
More feedback are welcome.
Thank you
#93, #94
More comment are welcome.
Thank you
Font variations
#79, #80
More comment are welcome.
Thank you
#50, #51, #52, #53, #54
More feedback are welcome
Thank you