A snarl on his face, etc. this one looks like a ferret, not like a raccoon. His eyes are obscured due to the black patches around them. We want to see the whites of his fierce eyes.
Can u do this with the same font you used for the previous lettering? Can u take out the circle and make the sword a saber and keep his left gloved hand from obscuring the letters. I'd like to have the raccoon leaping over the back of the letters without obscuring the company name. And have the raccoon be less pirate like and more fierce. Thx.
Closer, but still cant tell its a raccoon. Can u connect the animal to the production name? Otherwise, the raccoon is just free-standing. We don't need the while body to verify the type of animal. So perhaps the raccoon is leaping out from behind the production name without obscuring any of the letters. That's why we said in the initial draft it should leap out of the 'o' in 'lonesome' but it doesn't have too as long as animal and prod. name are in conjunction.
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