Hello, Thanks so much for the feedback. Well here are the required changes. I made some other versions as well, but I send them with the explenation for any one. So on this one there are the changes of my first entry.
Here the same with a diffrent icon, and with the HOMEPARTNERS in a diffrent colour (please notice that its fonts are reglar and not bold as in the previous one with a diffrent colour)
Ok, Here I chose a font which has no bold type but as you can see the caps at Stars are smaller, but they have the same thiknes as lone. I thought it’s worth to try cause its quite unique
OK, Here just another font type, one I used in a previous entry but now with the bold light version. Please notice that in this case LONE its the one with a deeper blue colour
OK, these last two versions I send now are with those fontypes and colours I thougth to be nice. Please notice that into the Icon the star changed its place