Hi James, only the first rank design can submit an entryat this stage, for me to submit an entry you have to either rank me first or get LogoTournament to open a submit portal to me.
Ok, sure, I will ask the System Admin to open the Portal (whatever that is) !
We have asked the current no 1 ranked designer to make a small change also.
We had asked another designer for a change before the competition closed and had been waiting 4 days with no reply. The system admin is aware of this issue and has been assisting us in keeping the judging open while we select one of the alternative designs that we are also interested in.
In answer to your Q above.... No, I requested an Open Portal. Basically, we had settled on one of the designs and had requested a simple change be done. However the designer never made contact. System Admin thinks he may have been caught up in the Indonesian Earthquake that happened recently, and that's why we had no reply. System Admin offered to re-draw it for us, but we decided it was not meant to be, and that is why System admin has allowed us to get some other changes done.
I will discuss with my business partner in the morning.
Could you please provide #132 on a white background.
Also, could you please do a version where the 'Valinoti's Diesel Repairs' text is easier to read. - The reflective effect on this text is making it difficult to read. - We would be happy if the text was just white or had a simple de-boss effect like this other one we had done a couple of months ago: http://i44.tinypic.com/2edxm3d.png