Entry #18 Hi from Greece, i 've changed the font for (local)and replaced the flame on the tip of the lamp with smoke.Feel free to let me know if you like to see more changes on my design. best regards Vasilis
Entry #19 another variation. Different colour for local and different font.Let me know the outcome with your partner:) I'll provide you any changes needed:) best regards Vasilis
We like the darker color for the word local vs the lighter gray. Makes it stand out more. We like the font for "local" in #3 and #18.. not sure which we prefer, both look good. :-) I don't think we need the smoke coming from the tip. We were thinking the lamp color be different than the rest of the word colors. Like goldish or arranges, maybe some reds.. can be a mix of colors. We like the lamp design of #3 with that look and colors. Hope that helps