We're getting there with your updated design. I prefer the lamp colors of #30 with the yellow vs #31 with the red. Both are nice though. We don't really like the way the pin comes down into the "W", would prefer it to be placed between the "b" and "G"...also like the effect of the pin on #31. stands out more
Looking good. We did prefer the shape of the original lamp like #10. I understand you had to adjust the shape to position the pin between the b and g and it moved "local" over to the right. What if you pulled the words more to the left to try and maintain the shape of the original lamp. We like both sets of colors from the new #34 and #35, also the original #10 with the orange.
I like the lamps from the original design #10, but now the Text looks too small. I see you scaled it down to fit in the new skinner style lamp, but we don't mind if it touches or goes over the outline like in #35. I like all the color choices for the lamps, but think maybe #41 lamp colors are best for us.