Hi Duex! Thanks for participating in my contest :-)
Very creative use of the cup! Not only is it creative but it subliminally points out Lo...cal which goes with healthy options....nice touch. The slogan is feels lost in this though. It is very important because I want people to see we are more than a coffee shop. So maybe the slogan can be highlighted thru placement, coloring, size or evening extending roots down from the R. Thanks in advance for time in this!
Thanks for describing your changes. The negative space play with the leaf is awesome. It's subtle to the point it doesn't draw your attention away from the business name or slogan but makes you feel like you've found something hidden when you see it. Very, very nice touch!
I'm not feeling the large C in Local in #54 and #55 though but it does bring across the subtle Lo..Cal like the cup does in #43 and #72 but I think the cup does it better.
#71 is awesome. The slogan 'pops' in this design. The problem with our name is it doesn't state what we do so we have to rely on imagery and/or the slogan in our logo. You've really brought forth the slogan with this design. The only problem I see is which word comes first...Local?...or...Roots?
...and I would be alright with your use of the negative space play leaf in any of the designs.
Thanks for all of your hard work on the submissions up to this point!!