I have read your brief and have tried to come up with the most unique and yet none average logo. Without a rooftop or house in the design it does not say Real Estate. I have designed keys , keyholes and windows to try and resolve the rooftop issue and create another visual image that says Realty. Please feel free to request changes and give input to aid my design efforts.
Received your message and I will re-submit the design in the color patterns you have requested. Black to Green , Green to Blue , And Blue to Green. Please feel free to request any other changes you would like to see. It is my pleasure to assist you. This Comment References #134 #135 #136 And #137
Sorry for the misunderstanding , I will try and get it right this time. If you would like a special type of text please feel free to request one , I have a large collection. I will re-submit your designs as requested and should have them in tonight before I turn in. This Comment References #140 #141 #142 And #143 Please feel free to request specificly each color for each part of your logo as needed. I can also color match your logo to your web page or background were it will be used. I can make it stand out for you. If for example you would like a deeper blue or a brighter green ? I am here to assist you as best I can. Majestic_Concepts
To : Local Realty Solutions Message Recieved @ 12PM Central , #135 And #136 Have been adjusted as requested, Solutions is now in solid blue. The new numbers are #158 And #159. Logo Looks Good , Im here standing by for any further instructions if needed. Majestic_Concepts
We are going to chose your Logo # 127. first in the ranking. We like # 127, Blue and Black. However, I like also like #158, the second in the ranking. Is it posible to get some of #158 with our order? Someday we might want the green in the logo. California is a becoming greener state more and more. That is why I wanted green in the logo. But I was out voted. Thank you, Sandbox