sure..The purpose of the Selection phase is to work out final revisions with the 1 Designer, and to select a winner once satisfied...Only the 1 ranked designer can submit logos in this phase.
I just noticed occurred to me that the woman in this one reflected a little too "black slave" to me but I couldn't pinpoint why. I just noticed that you've taken the liberty of adding a headdress - this takes away from the rumba dancer essence and gives it more of a stereotypical feel which I do not prefer.
I love this one. It's clean, simple and impactful - it will look great on all platforms and mobile. It speaks of culture and people - the two most important elements. I think the font styles are perfect. For some reason, I think the red isn't quite right - is it a little on the orange side? Mind you, it is 3:47 am here and my eyes are killing me.
could we try this one with blue in the circle instead of red? I've heard feedback that it evokes Coca Cola like this, but I like the overall design and the simplicity of it.
Ok - I really like this one, but can I ask you - why don't you talk to me? Part of me wants to see a little dash of the blue (maybe in the star above the 'i' and the swoosh under the name. But part of me feels like it's really good with just red.
Ok I think it's the scale of some of the elements that isn't quite right. I love the woman next to the text - that seems right. But the drummer is sitting down and appears to tall in this image - maybe scale him down a bit. And the palm tree looks too short. If I place my hand over the tree and the drummer, I actually don't mind just the woman and the rest of it. She's sassy - just like a classic Cubana. Regarding the text, the style of the word 'in' bothers me - I think it needs to be more of a script style rather than simply italicized. Now for color -- I'm wondering what would happen if you changed everything to the charcoal and simply changed the drum so that it somehow reflects the Cuban flag with red and blue. Take the star out of the letter A in 'Cuba' and put it on the drum. I know I originally wanted teal, but I'm leaning back towards a classic Cuban tone. I hope all of that helps.
Oh I love your people - especially the woman. My mind is changing on the colors - you're coming in just under the wire. I think the fonts need to be tweaked - not the size -- that part is good. And the placement of the image next to the text is good also. Just the style of the font. And I love the simplicity - I think this would translate well across all the SM platforms. Thanks so much for your submission.
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let me know if there is something wrong/missing something.
I am always open to all your revisions.
Let me know if you need other revisions.
Best regards,