Hi Erwin! I love design #23...my favorite by far! Two questions...Is it possible to make the dancer images different, so they are all not the same, and can you add my slogan "Dance Like No One is Watching?
Thank you Erwin on making the changes! Just two more changes and you are my winner...can you please make the dancer images more feminine (something to reflect different styles of dance, like salsa, club and two people dancing together like partners). Second, can you bring the letters of "AND COMPANY" closer together so it's not so spread apart, and add the lines above and below like in image #24. Sorry to be so picky, but I want it perfect!
Hi Erwin! I know I have one day to award you the prize. Before I do, two changes. Can you please bring the "AND COMPANY" letters closer together so I can read it better? The letters are to far spaced apart and it reads like a blur. And, please bring the font size of "Dance Like No One Is Watching" to that of the one in example #57. Thank you for the adjustments and congratulations winner!