Hi there - I'm so sorry for the delay on this. There is a church council meeting tonight that will finalize this. We will be in touch tonight or tomorrow morning with final.
Hello - we are behind on getting the final feedback. You are clearly the winner and will get funded, we're just not finalized on which design is the winner yet. Thanks so much.
Please give the new leaf shape option in this same style (no outline of leaf, but make it more leaf-like). That will be our final revision before we get our leadership to finalize this. Thank you so much.
Yeah - right idea, but maybe put the tip of the leaf right above the tip of the cross? Just a SLIGHT imbalance is what I was thinking. Maybe that looks horrible! Thanks for trying, though :-)
Can we try one last thing? Just have one version where the back leaf is not completely symmetrical? Could the top point of the leaf be shifted to the right so the point ends up at the same apex as the cross and the curve up to the point matches the cross point/angle? Leave the symmetry of the leaf around the Bible at the bottom, but just give us a shifted top point? It might look more like a leaf and a little less like a teardrop/general shape then.
That should be the last revision before we can finalize this with font/color. Thank you so much for your work!
Again - if we can somehow increase the cross size to make it slightly more prominent that would be great. I don't think it needs a big increase - but something.
Can we increase the size of the cross/leaf on this? Maybe match the corners of that shape to the corners of the Bible and just increase the size. We just want the cross to have a little more prominence in these. We really like this one and your second concept and we aren't quite sure which one we like more yet. One other idea is to add a 'stroke' to the cross (see our 2017 logo concept art attached to the contest) but that might make things too busy, as we really like how simple this one has become.
We are getting close to final. As a second option can you remove the inner 'leaf' around the cross but leave the big one and make the cross bigger as the cutout within the big 'leaf'? Does that make sense? Also, we'd love to see some other don't options that mirror the style of the mark (both on this and your concept that's first right now)
Yes! I think we're getting close. I need to send this on to a few people and have them look at the couple others you just revised and we'll go from there. REALLY like this!
These are GREAT. Excellent revisions. Love this overall concept (simplified Bible is perfect) but really like the bottom of the cross/leaf mark that looks 'planted' in the other concept as well as the text treatment in your third concept (lines on either side). Can you merge them and see where we land?
Good morning! We are moving forward with you as our winner. We really like this concept your other concept. Can you try some of these things:
- Take off the bottom "pages" from this mark (but leave the other set below the actual open Bible; so just one set of open pages below the Bible instead of two sets)
- Try to increase the 'leaf' and cross so the cross is a little bigger with more prominence
- Maybe see if two lines of 'text' on each page of the Bible might simplify things
This 'mark' is more versatile as it can be contained in a smaller area but we do like the weight, feel and simplicity of your other concept. If there's some way to find a happy medium between those two that would be amazing.
We can work font/color once the concept is revised and approved. Thanks!
Sorry we missed this. Honestly I'm not sure. It was created many years ago and I've never been able to find it, even with font-matching options like 'what-the-font', etc.
The leaf shape in the back is really interesting - I wonder if having one in back and one around the cross is too much? Can you play around with taking the one right outside the cross away? Also - would love to see some more organic text options (contrast 'Living Word' and 'Free Lutheran Church' a little more)
Still on the fence if we like the partial circle or not - I think we do, it seems to complete things. Can we see some color variations and different text treatments?
Nice! Don't think the cross on the page is necessary - but enjoying the subtle color change. Can we see a few more color options with this one and some other text treatments?
We really like this concept and can see the intention of growth out of the Word with the leaf shape. Could you experiment with other colors/font treatments? As well, could you look at the 'signature cross' we have in our concept art and use that cross instead of the general one that you have in here?
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Can we try one last thing? Just have one version where the back leaf is not completely symmetrical? Could the top point of the leaf be shifted to the right so the point ends up at the same apex as the cross and the curve up to the point matches the cross point/angle? Leave the symmetry of the leaf around the Bible at the bottom, but just give us a shifted top point? It might look more like a leaf and a little less like a teardrop/general shape then.
That should be the last revision before we can finalize this with font/color. Thank you so much for your work!
I am waiting for you:)
Which leaves are you planting this?
Which leaves are you planting this?
thanks :)
i am wait for you
thanks :)
- Take off the bottom "pages" from this mark (but leave the other set below the actual open Bible; so just one set of open pages below the Bible instead of two sets)
- Try to increase the 'leaf' and cross so the cross is a little bigger with more prominence
- Maybe see if two lines of 'text' on each page of the Bible might simplify things
This 'mark' is more versatile as it can be contained in a smaller area but we do like the weight, feel and simplicity of your other concept. If there's some way to find a happy medium between those two that would be amazing.
We can work font/color once the concept is revised and approved. Thanks!
What should I do ?
excuse me
I want to ask, what is the font name you used on your old logo?