#85 is a great design, good colors. We are really excited about it and hope you can get back to us with a revision soon because our contest ends in a day! Changes we want to see: -person's arms up in the air, extending out in celebration rather than prayer. -less lotus flower (maybe just one layer of leaves) -more 'energy'. We want the person to "POP". and be bigger. We want someone to look at our logo and understand what it means to live "light", light in body and spirit, radiating complete health. You started to do that with #84- there is life in the image, movement, excitement, passion- we like that about it. #85 would be absolutely perfect as-is for a yoga studio, but we come into people's homes and lives in a really intimite way, and we want the feel of the logo to reflect that. Your #56 for An Urban Eden reflects the 'energy' I'm looking for- it is vibrant, radiant, beautiful, living. If you can bring that energy to the design it will be hard to choose anything different. Thanks again, and we hope to hear from you soon!
For #85, I would still like to see the person bigger with their arms extended in a different way. I want the person to look a little more like #84, how it is 3 dimensional and the person is nice and big and coming out of the image. But with a different looking person. I want the person to feel what this kid is feeling: http://oneyearbibleimages.com/praisegod.jpg -I also wouldn't mind to see what it looks like to have only their upper body come out of the image, and not their legs.
I also want to take off the plants on the sides of the house and bring the straight walls down.
Is there any other variation you can do to this image?
I really like how vibrant your 56th entry on An Urban Eden and still want to see more of that radiance in this image.
Thank you for these new designs. For #103 We want to see a gender-neutral person, bigger, possibly sitting on the hill. We really like the green circle behind the person so don't get rid of that. We also don't want to see petals or spikes, we want to see radiance, or glow around the person and/or the house.
thank you for these new designs .... for #126 we would like to see the person without the hair and with smaller legs (like the person in entry#103 but the arms at the angle of the person in #126). and with the additional changes that were metnioned above. thank you.