Thank you for entering our contest with a unique image! I like the colors a lot. And I like how you are merging the house, with a plant, and a happy person. I would love to see it less cartoon-like and more "real". The image reminds me of a button. But if it were to be cartoony I really like this style: there is to be a plant in the image, which has been our vision, it is to be a vegetable. Otherwise what we are looking for is something to portray healthy cooking. I think this has been the hardest element for the designers so far.
Most important is that the home look clean and clear. We love having sunshine in the image. And we are wanting to see a life-like person, stretching while gazing into the morning sunshine, breathing in the fresh, excited and inspired to start another day, like here:,1146175706,2/stock-vector-person-stretching-to-the-sun-1252133.jpg only with their hands turned inward not outward.
I am also inspired by this image: would also like to see the font incorporated into the design so they don't feel so separate.
This is nice how it incorporates the name: this helps!!