Is there any chance we can see a logo that looks something like either of the examples that follow?
1) Could we see something where they have the image be more of a part of the logo. Like the outline of 1 or 2 trees over Our name and and use the L in little and the H in orchard as a trunk for the tree. Just use the outline of a tree so it doesn't look over done.
*Comments about example: I was hoping for something along these lines. I have attached some concepts.Not so leafy on the L of "little" orchard but some leafs or leaf design and maybe crossing the 2 T's in "little" have a vine with leaf going across them.
Thanks for the helpful feedback! I am working on a new variations and will submit them as soon as I finish. Until then, here is new submission #50 Font that I used is hand written and uniquely created for your contest.