Thank you very much for choosing my design!.
Yes, I received your e-mail. As it's already nighttime for me, I will send you the files with the selected logo here on LT in a moment, and I will prepare the remaining promised files first thing in the morning and send them to you by e-mail.
Thank you,
I'm not sure if comments are cut off after a winner is selected, thus, I will wait till i get confirmation from you that you have my email and then select it as the winner since we are now in the finalist phase. Thanks.
OK, I understand everything, thank you.
After the competition ends, please give me your email address. I will send you files with the selected logo with a matching tagline in a black and white version and additionally an icon separately with subtitles in a color and black and white version. Here on Logo Tournament I can upload final files with only one selected logo.
Thank you and best regards,
This is our winner with the font changes made to "babyproofing"...and will designate it as such once we get to the finalist stage here soon.
As part of the final files sent over, we also need it with the icon (bird) separated out like in file #125, and for the font for "babyprooding" to match the one here. We would list the #125 file as the overall winner, yet we are using this one (#122) since this one has the desired font and we wouldn't need to go through another round of back and forth changes/edits.
Then, we also need a copy of it in gray style like in file #124 so that we have a clean copy for any gray style printing that may be done.
Just met with the owners. I think we have a Do need one edit to look at...and then, when all done, we will want the final logo in a couple different way (the current way, a gray style version, and a version where the bird is separated we can have the bird icon on its own).
Yet, for the current edit, can we take the "babyproofing" in the and make it where it the "B" lines up with the "L" in Little and the "G" lines up with the "d" in Bird.
Comment Activity
Yes, I received your e-mail. As it's already nighttime for me, I will send you the files with the selected logo here on LT in a moment, and I will prepare the remaining promised files first thing in the morning and send them to you by e-mail.
Thank you,
After the competition ends, please give me your email address. I will send you files with the selected logo with a matching tagline in a black and white version and additionally an icon separately with subtitles in a color and black and white version. Here on Logo Tournament I can upload final files with only one selected logo.
Thank you and best regards,
As part of the final files sent over, we also need it with the icon (bird) separated out like in file #125, and for the font for "babyprooding" to match the one here. We would list the #125 file as the overall winner, yet we are using this one (#122) since this one has the desired font and we wouldn't need to go through another round of back and forth changes/edits.
Then, we also need a copy of it in gray style like in file #124 so that we have a clean copy for any gray style printing that may be done.
Does that all work for you?
Yet, for the current edit, can we take the "babyproofing" in the and make it where it the "B" lines up with the "L" in Little and the "G" lines up with the "d" in Bird.