Entry #6 still is appealing, but seems to be missing something.
Entry #7 is a good try, but ; I prefer the slope stype of #6.
Entry #2 might be better without the boldness of the company name and the tag line is virtually unreadable...thinking about a business card. The tag line would be in a different place on a website.
While there are many good entries, they are becomming too busy with the what appears to be the wrong emphasis.
There seems to be a trend on the word "line" in designing the logo. Actually it should be on the word "Lite". The spelling of the word "Lite" is not a mistake. It is used in the context of window lite (glass).
The purpose of the word "Line" is to show room for growth and is more associated with the word "Companies".
Entry #9 Although it would be nice to have a graphic tell the whole story, it appears that would be unrealistic when trying to brand the name as well, initially. However, the lettering in this logo seems too heavy or out of place for some reason. The graphic might benefit with some type of fade across it. What do you think? I like the logo.
Entry #2 The three panel graphic is closer in concept with the exception of the bold lettering below. It has a better chance if I could see improvement in lettering and perhaps position such as on the side. Might consider panels in graphic in different colors as well as the current color such as orange, blue, shining silver (I guess gray would be representative.
There is potential in a couple of others, but many are getting too far off.
Entry #65 I have to say I really like your design. Perhaps the improvement that might work for me would be to make the graphic a little taller. Also, put some color in the lettering.
ok. please put entry #65 in rank 1 for a time. so i can do some revisions. Only the 1st ranked designer can submit entries during judging mode. :-) thanks..