Can we see a version without the orange ring around the person/spheres (adjust kerning appropriately) and with the font still slightly larger (I like the sizing of #7).
Also, still keep the sheres grayscale, but can you make the color progression more distinct from one sphere to the next? However, I don't that that the top shere should be too much darker than it currently is.
Can we see second version that also includes the changes above (tagline, spheres), but with the person being modified slightly to conform more to the shape of an "I"? Some of our people think that "LIT" might not be obvious to first time viewers of the logo.
In other words, we would like to see 2 new logos with only the rendering of the "I" being different.
Okay, thanks for the variants, and I'm really liking where this is going. However, after looking at everything, here is what I would like to see: - Start with #15 - Slightly compress horizontally (make it narrower) "OnLine" - I would estimate shorten the entire word about 1/2 of the width of the "e". Do not change font height, only change width. - Use tagline "LEARN. RETAIN. PERFORM." (w/o quotes), but stretch font full width of logo (do not change font height or vary kerning, only overall width to match logo width) - Darken grayscale items (I would estimate using #444444 for font color and darkest part of sphere color, but use your judgement)
This looks great. We would like to see 2 additional variants of the logo.
1. Start with #10, but incorporate new coloring, font sizing, tagline, etc.
2. Start with created above but stack "LIT" on top of "OnLIne" (left justified) with circle at left. LIT Online text should be close to vertically centered with circle, but not the full height of the circle. Tagline should be at bottom of entire logo and stretch width of circle and text.
We like what you did with the new graphic. However, can you offer the following variants?
#92 1) A version with a slight orange gradient for LIT (lighter on top, darker on bottom) 1) A version with a slight orange gradient for LIT and gray gradient for OnLine
#93 Same as above but go back to the original font and fix capitalization to "LIT OnLine"