Thank you for the submission! Very professional looking, great colors, Good Fonts.
The "rocket icon might be too symbolic for some to make the connection, even with the symbolic jet strean comming out of it.
OVerall very proessional looking though, please keep submitting, maybe make the symbol look more like a rocket or email or some form of communications. Thanks again!
Thank you for the new submissions, also for a stab at the "non rocket" approach.
One thing that we are trying to do is say that we are not JUST an email service, but a service that allows you to post to social netowrks, blogs, and your email list at the same time. I'm afraid the @ makes us look like just and email service.
So more people like, some sort of way to tie in Social Networks, Blogs, Email, PURL's(Personalized URLs)
we're trying NOT to compete with the BIG email only groups ;)
I like seeing the incorporation of the networking our product allows, and the connection to multiplatforms.
The small email icon, and the other logo in the center look a little too "clipart". I don't know how to explain, nor can I really tell you how else to do it, but I like the direction your going, and if you put out some other versions maybe we can tweak from there.
We're still considering alot of options. Also.. we may extend this a couple days so we don't have to end it on a weekend, I'm having a little difficult time contact our team for rankings etc.
Ah helmet of a rocketeer... thanks for the translation ;)
also thank you for all the option you are presenting. I think the latest 4 are a little too far of the mark t this point. All valiant efforts. #121 - #128