This one is really cool. I'd like to see the roof in color, like a golden yellow. I like how the N extends into it though so maybe create little breaks between the letter and roof kind of like you have in #138 so you can keep all the N grey and maybe put a little break in-between the chimney and the roof and keep the chimney great too. Thanks!
I really like this one! I originally didn't want Arizona specific but this is really cool and for now we are just in Arizona so that might be good actually. Let me check with my partner on this and see if they want any changes. Thanks!
I like the idea of this one, I want the text stacked though so maybe listings above the icon and lifestyles below and if you could make the window into a plus sign to signify the & sign that might be cool!
Comment Activity
Thank you for feedback, i've uploaded new revisions. also i tried to make more square on entry #143 #142
Please check new revisions based on your request, and let me know what do you think? #121 #122 #123