One design #125 uses the weights even in a simplest form it limiting to your services when I see weight used for fitness centers I always think of power lifters huge bulk...if we remove that standard symbology and focus on you and the visual message I feel that I've accomplished this with the other submissions. However it's not what I thin or feel I simply provide option you may have not thought of and hopefully one will resonate with you.
Thanks so much Scott. They gave me an extension while I was in the process of seeking out some artists who would connect with what I was looking for. I will check out your logos! Thanks for the explanations as well...
:). I had to get rid of a bunch and narrow down top choices of certain variations ;). I went from having nothing I liked at all to having a number of really great images. I'm doing a survey right now with a very select group of people. Waiting on some feedback and sitting with the inages myself for a bit. Thanks so much for your new additions. They are great.
The butterfly concept is transformation the benefits of using your services or someone else. This is the design that sends this message.I do a had been working on a chrysalis version
You know I'm not really sure. They are ordered right now more by my feelings energetically. Right now I'm sitting with the images for a bit and waiting on results of my survey to see how he images come across to my select recipients.
Hi Scott, I really like the chrysalis but the large majority of people I surveyed said they knew it was supposed to be a chrysalis because they referenced the other image that had the chrysalis as the butterfly's body but that otherwise it wasn't super clear to them that that's what it was. They would think so but a bit uncertain. Maybe a small butterfly included in the image would help? Or maybe a caterpillar waking across the barbell and then a butterfly on the other side? Many Thanks.
Thanks very much for your logos. I like the clean lines and simplicity of the message. I appreciate your time. I have chosen another logo that really reasonated with me. But thanks very much for giving me some great options.