Robbert, Thank you for your revision. I prefer the first version. Perhaps change the color of "liquid" to a more vibrant and deeper green? The reason I ask, is that the words, just don't pop as much as I would like. I do like the layout and the world/puddle from the first version better... Thanks.
hey robbert.. just want play a fair game here... I've withdrawn my logo which you have said that the "Concept" is from you... well its just the way it is... rule is a rule... you've made the "puddle" concept first, then so be it... I'm just really pissed on some designers which is so arrogant... (and its not you)
I disagree that "your" idea was copied. I feel that the words liquid and planet evoke a puddle and a globe. I feel it's only natural to put the planet in the puddle... or put the planet in a drip. I had thought the same thing when we first started talking about the logo within our company. Be that as it may...
I still like the original version best. I just feel like it lacks in strength. Perhaps the colors need to be adjusted to make it more vibrant? Dunno. You're the artist... Thoughts?
hey robbert... first of, just want to apologize if we have some misunderstanding about the concepts of the logo... I really didn't based my concept on yours.. I do have a copy of my other logos which I have submitted previously on the other contest and just combined it to became as one logo... Its just that you have submitted that "ripple" effect first..