In entry 8 I do like how it makes it seem like the lion is jumping or leaping forward. Once again interested to see what it would look like with a face.
Not a big fan of the face or the lion's main. Maybe change the lion's face and have it looking towards the viewer. I do like how Path is a different color.
I like the idea of just eyes like in entry 20 but would like more detail and a different font. Almost imagining what a lion's eyes would look like if it were ready to pounce. One interesting design might also be a lion getting ready to pounce.
Since i do not have a lion in my backjard (fortunately for me) i try to draw it not too "real" but playing with negative and positive space. Some touch of yellow too.
feedback appreciated.
about the lion paw i thing that is a good thing that no one did it, is overused and not really near you but if you would to see it, as for in the public page and someone will do it.
What no lion in the backyard? You must first be with the lion before you can truly draw one. Kidding. This is a tiger but depicts the act of pouncing or leaping But this is your specialty not mine so I will leave it to the experts.