Hello Greg
good morning. I did one proposal with the city theme you asked me, I may get in trouble for that other designers did a city before me, let's see if they don't care about that. My suggestion (even if you choose another logo) is to keep the nature feeling all over the logo.
:et me know what do you think and thanks.
Hello Greg
Glad you like my design. I did include the 3 boxes for the 3 cities it will pass and there is a line that connects all the 3 boxes together. in the center we have the bike and the other one the farm and the third one the nature that surround the path. I did the design very graphic so you can adapt them to any size and 1 single colour.
I will do the changes you ask and let's see you are happy with them.
Comment Activity
Good morning.
I uploaded new versions, let me know what do you think
Please use the wheat design in the blue cell.
good morning. I did one proposal with the city theme you asked me, I may get in trouble for that other designers did a city before me, let's see if they don't care about that. My suggestion (even if you choose another logo) is to keep the nature feeling all over the logo.
:et me know what do you think and thanks.
Glad you like my design. I did include the 3 boxes for the 3 cities it will pass and there is a line that connects all the 3 boxes together. in the center we have the bike and the other one the farm and the third one the nature that surround the path. I did the design very graphic so you can adapt them to any size and 1 single colour.
I will do the changes you ask and let's see you are happy with them.