Hey the Name has nothing to do with a lime. It is just a short cut for the Prenames of my young daughters Lisa an Emily - Limely Just for your Info. I´m investing in Companies which are in the creative industries For an Example: Advertising; Film;PR; Design; Event, Print Produktion; and so on.
Hope it helps
If you want to know more about me please have a look to:
Thank you for the info. I hope this is more towards your liking. I used the 2 capitals with respect to your daughters names. We can always change colors. Feedback Please. Thanks.
The symbol can be taken as a few concepts. 1st I thought of "home" and how your family is important, 2nd the shape of home plate, "stepping up to the plate", lastly the symbol can be a shield, where the feeling of security is portrayed to the investor. Please PM me if you would like to see more options implemented with your thoughts. Please I welcome them.