Hi :) Here are some new entries. Looking through the ranked entries (my own included) the brand name is becoming a little "muddy" over the pink background. (although - it's possible that it's just me staring at my own entry for too long!) Also - I don't feel like the lily aspect was coming across strong enough to emphasize the brand.
Obviously, flowers add to the FEEL of the brand, but making the lily clear will add to the feel as well as the actual BRAND itself. You don't want customers thinking "I loved that cute bear she had - I remember the tag had flowers on it." It's better to actually use the images to reinforce the branding like this: "I loved that cute bear she had - the tag had a lily on it - oh yeah - LILYton. That's right." In situations like these, your product is the most memorable thing - the tag/name is secondary, so making it visual will help. You already have a great name because a lily is easy to remember and the name lilyton sounds like a quaint place that all these plush animals would come from. The key will be to make that name stick!
My thoughts for making that name stick is to strip away the excess and focus on the name / image together. The Victorian elements are present WITHIN the images, rather than slapping them AROUND the images. I would also like to point out that the type has been customized, making it uniquely yours. I drew this lily in an engraved, Victorian style (similar to what you'd find in a Victorian-era field book of flowers)
Thanks again for your consideration & time :)