I love the use of the artists face in these logos! I ranked some of them lower because I wasn't a fan of the shadow effect underneath the words "Lil Crazed". Could I see the lettering in a different font, something not so blocky? Also entry 7 has great potential, we are not set on having his quote involved with the logo so maybe some options without it? Also the Lil part is pretty small, I get the reason behind it, but if you could incorporate it a little differently it would move that logo in the right direction! Otherwise great stuff!
I like the addition of the hair line in the face images. Please add that to entry 4 and 3. Also entry 16 is a great start but could we see other options around the LC where its more obvious and visible? Our only other concern is his mohawk is a thing now, but he may not keep it. Could we see just hair on some, and the addition of a hat in others? like the outline of the brim and whatnot. On entry 15 could his head be tilting downward instead of facing forward? Thanks again! these designs are great!
Thank you very much! One more thing to add with entry 4 i know i requested various additions already, but i would really like to see some different font options for "Lil Crazed". Again this logo will more than likely be split and used on Tshirts, hats and other merchandise. As it stands now that font isn't up to par with being a stand alone "logo". Thank you!
Thank you for your continued effort. You are definitely getting closer to what we want than anyone else. I look forward to seeing your letter-mark options. The hat addition was great and it gives us a different option to consider. We all really like the Mohawk and hat option on the face logo as it is, so lets change the focus to the fonts for the logos. Entry 15 and entry 8 are much closer to what we were looking for as far as lettering goes. Something more unique and bolder. I don't think its quite there yet, if we could see the future fonts be less blocky and simple and more on the edgy side that would be great! Again thank you so much for your efforts. I did submit for the contest to be extended to give you more time to make these changes!
I apologize that I could not find a good example for what I am picturing. The best way I can put it is we want it to look like it was something that was custom designed, not a "Font" that was picked out of a pack. The font in 25 is close but too thin. Could you make it bolder and thicker. maybe stagger the LIL on top of Crazed? The designs were re-ranked by my artist to his current favorites. I would still like to see something different with LC too. again referencing the louis vuitton logo for style ideas.
My artist really likes logo 32, but could we see it with a lowercase "i" like in logo 34? We like the the larger crown option. Those are MUCH closer to what we wanted to see from a pictoral logo. The one thing that we are still missing is a letter mark logo similar to Louis Vuitton or Calvin Klein. Another brand that has a logo close to what i am looking for is Young and Reckless (you can Google their logo). It has more of a punk edge to it while maintaining the letter mark concept and still being legible and recognizable. Thanks again!
i am sorry King, i need to rework the design with the crown since it was done with some elements too similiar to another design. i will come back asap.
Logos have been re-ranked by my team and artist. Your logos have made 4 of the top 5! I know there were issues with the crown on the logo, but with entry 44 could we see the "L"'s more defined? Otherwise I don't have much more feedback at this moment. I will be discussing with my artist tomorrow and provide additional feedback as necessary. Thanks!