These are really cool. My only concern is fitting them on a business card. And one of the logo's primary uses will be in front of films and television shows, and this is a very vertical design, and most of the ways I'll want to use it are more horizontal.
But they look awesome. I like the feel of them a lot. Is it possible to do something with this sort of feeling but more horizontal?
Oh yeah, one other thing. It's "studios" with an s.
but again, awesome job. it would probably be ranked higher if I could think of a way to get it on a business card or tv screen. But please don't withdraw it as is.
These are really great. My only other thought is that studios is getting pretty dark and hard to read. Also, I know it's part of the font, but I'm not sure how I feel about the R in forge.
This reminds me (in a good way) of Mel Gibson's ICON film logo at the start of his films. VERY nice looking design. Bravo. Great for before a film, but I can see the CH's point about how it doesn't quite translate to day to day business card delivery.
These are awesome. I don't know if there's time, but would it be possible to dirty this wide screen one up a little, the way the first few were. In the early ones you had this scrappy texture on it. I liked it a lot.