We really like #28, but we would like to see the following variations to the text: 1 with Wiesbadn font and 1 with Louisiana style font. Make LifeStages all in purple (in suggested fonts), but please provide 1 with Health and Home Care in orange (same dark color as the arm) and 1 with Health and Home Care in green (same dark color as the arm). Also, is there any way to create a little more of a 3D effect with the abstract?
We would really appreciate a quick response to try and finalize with our client. Thanks for all of your time and effort. Let me know if you have any questions.
We really like #46, but we prefer a different font. Not sure if fonts are different in different places, but can you check for a font called Wiesbaden Swing Bold (per fontshop.com) and one called Louisiana (bold as well). Thanks.
Glad you are liking my concept, i tried to give a hint of home, flower blooming with an abstract of humans at the same time and showing transition as well.