Thank you for your hard work and creative genius. Could you please start changing up your fonts to be more modern and cutting edge? We're starting to think that since our product is so cutting edge, it could stand to have a more cutting edge look.
Hi Lilia, I love #123, but would like the blue under the head/flower (looks like a collar) of 124 please. Also, could you look at some newer more aggressive fonts? Emphasis on FORCE in bold please. If you click on our original contest under GetHydrated (, I love the font of number 53. I would like it a little thinner though. Could you take a look at that or some fonts like that?
Great job everyone. Our team appreciates each and everyone of your efforts. We're in the last 24 hours of the competition and there are a LOT of great logos designed so far. We are looking forward to seeing what more you have in mind.
Please take your best shot at shocking us with something outside of our direction. Remember, we are looking for something that conveys confidence, calming, power and great vitality... something that is conveying of an anti-aging formula that will forever change the face of rejuvination of cells and greater energy.
I really like the woman and ribbon, but the body is too thick. Can you try to thin it out and intertwine within the words to bring it together? Please move to all lower case letters and different colors for life and force. Maybe a full shadow underneath the whole logo (not a drop shadow, but to give it appearance it is floating off the ground?
As the contest winds down, I am going vote you in while you hone this image in. I think you are onto something good and with a little editing, it could be our winner.
So far I am not fond of the dark green or the font, so keep playing with those if you would please.
yes of course. i will take some rest now and will be here again in a few hours. now the contest will in in top5 mode so the 5 top ranked is designers will be able to upload. i am prepaing this and will upload in a few hours: 10x alot Lilia
Thank you so much for your hard efforts on this contest. Your work is nothing shy of amazing. This was a very difficult competition and we appreciate your tenacity, designs, etc.