What do you think about the colors in the rainbo pinwheel being used on a lotus? On the inside of the lotus could be a vibrant face radiating (gradient) outward into a lotus or something like that?
We like the direction and all the effort you are putting forth.
What do you think about the colors in the rainbo pinwheel being used on a lotus? On the inside of the lotus could be a vibrant face radiating (gradient) outward into a lotus or something like that?
We like the direction and all the effort you are putting forth.
Sounds good. I see you've submitted a ton of new art pieces, but can you create one from scratch for us so it is completely unique to our brand?
This is what I imagine. Looking at a lotus from the top with very vibrant petals in the rainbow colors of the previous mentioned comment. On the inside, where the stamen and pistol are, replace those with a face (unisex in appearance). Radiate from the face outward with color and vibrance.
Yes im making some progress and i will submit one by one each with different experiments. i just added one i will submit the colour wheel soon, see #80
We greatly appreciate your creative design talent; purely mad skills! And at one heck of a fast pace too. You are truly gifted.
Can you add a face that is a lot less pointed in it's features ( the face looks like that of a young person and not of an older person which is who we are targeting.
Also, could you try making the outter portion of your graphic (flower) design opaque to give it a softer bleed?
Also, would you change the name LIFE FORCE to 1 word and make only FORCE bold please.
I really like 140. Can you play with more blues and greens? Also, please change LifeForce to 1 word and play with the font styles to be more cutting edge like the #1 selection currently? Also, can you play with making something like the following image from Google image search? My business partner REALLY likes this type of look for a vitality component. Please go back to the product briefing and look at all the messages that are in there to make sure you are in alignment with the latest design directions.
Link image looks great! will do something. also the font types i will try to play once the logos is on track. because im really focusing on the logo currently but i have noted your choice of fonts. thanks
I did see that. 158 is awesome. Now I would like you to start getting more cutting edge with the font and gradients in the word LifeForce (1 word) to mimic other styles out there. If you look at our contest of MaxH2 and look at the way that the winner did the gradioent in the font, and maybe even trying to tie in a burst of red like they did, that would look really amazing.
Great Job Shihara, you are an amazing designer. We must stay in touch outside of the contest. I have 3-4 websites coming up in the next couple months and it would be great to work with you. How good is your english? (no offense meant - I can't speak your language, unless you want me to speak in tongues! :) )
Great job everyone. Our team appreciates each and everyone of your efforts. We're in the last 24 hours of the competition and there are a LOT of great logos designed so far. We are looking forward to seeing what more you have in mind.
Please take your best shot at shocking us with something outside of our direction. Remember, we are looking for something that conveys confidence, calming, power and great vitality... something that is conveying of an anti-aging formula that will forever change the face of rejuvination of cells and greater energy.
Thank you Shihara. I really like where you're at right now. The one thing I want to see is the font updated to be more modern / cutting edge. Can you please do something more like the style Arlys is using in hers?
My partner is really fond of the woman with the ribbon. Can you please take the picture from the following link and cut her and the ribbon out and start to make it into the logo with the current font please?
Thanks and there are few rules on the website that does not allow us to trace any image of another persons work. which means we cannot trace any image or work which client or we does not own. but i can create something similar. (cannot cut the current image and turn into a logo but instead i can create visually similar logo)
Shiharak. I really like what I've ranked number 3 right now. Can you please play with the tree logo with simple fonts, lower case and vibrant colors, including the colors of the tree.
Shihara, just had an epiphany. Since we don't really have a way in western culture to demonstrate auric energies, vitality, or anything of the sort... it just hit me. Why not just try to create some sort of space image of a galaxy, or explosion of a star, or the eye of God phenomenon, or the fountain of youth, or..... ??????
What do you think about making the o in force to a set of ripple rings that the tree and roots would be coming up out of? I'm just thinking about how to incorporate water and the tree.
On behalf of Pete and I, we want to thank you for your tireless effort and willingness to make it happen. There is no doubt in my mind you are one of the fastest designers I have ever worked with. Thank you for your great communication and insights.
Truly a pleasure working with you too. I hope to stay in touch with you. Please send me a personal email at: b r a d y . e s s m a n (at) g m a i l . c o m
I would like to work with you in the future brother!