Here is my proposal for your review (#57). Image represents abstract human figure created by subtle lines which resembles letters "L" and "F". Any revisions are welcome.
Great start. Thank you for your efforts. Could you use a hexagon instead of a circle aound the LF human form? Just as a trial?
Our product is comprised of a hydrogen, resveratrol, CoQ10 & PQQ blend. This is by far the most aggressive anti-oxidant and anti-aging blend on the market.
I really like your first logo. Please submit more designs.
Great job everyone. Our team appreciates each and everyone of your efforts. We're in the last 24 hours of the competition and there are a LOT of great logos designed so far. We are looking forward to seeing what more you have in mind.
Please take your best shot at shocking us with something outside of our direction. Remember, we are looking for something that conveys confidence, calming, power and great vitality... something that is conveying of an anti-aging formula that will forever change the face of rejuvination of cells and greater energy.