we like the organic image in #3- could we try an organic image outside of the name. we like the colors. we need: a missionary church in the name. Thanks for submitting!
We would like to see the words in #12 in a different color. We are thinking something like a dark brown at the bottom fading to an orange at the top to compare with the blue.
As this is our first tournament, we are unsure if we should be asking for changes during this phase or the judging phase so if we are asking too much at this time- just let us know.
Thanks for your assistance we are enjoying your designs.
Can we see a different font for the words on #12, please. It feels too "blocky" or overpowering- if that makes sense. Would love to see some different options for the font- Thanks!
nice work on this Heru, we really like your thoughts. how about making the font of LIFE in #89 the same as #87? we like community to stay in script as in #89
We like #89, would you make another logo using these same elements, but have the words Life Community be all on one line and the same size font with the tree element to the left. Please show it in script and block fonts. Thanks! We like your designs and what you've been doing.
These new designs are very good! One more idea to try. Start with #125 then add the horizontal arch of #89 beneath the words "LIFECOMMUNITY" and write "A Missionary Church" smaller under the arch in the script of the word "Community" in #89. Also try this with #124 with all caps beneath, essentially opposite. Thank you so much!