can we use a different font on number 59 for Life Community, perhaps not so thick and bold? we like the picture on the logo very much, but would like to see a little darker shade of blue and maybe an orange highlight somewhere in the picture.
Thank you for the great ranking and feedback. Here's one a little more modern idea... #104. Any variations are easy to be made. Will wait for your comments..
love #99, very nice work on the quick changes! the orange touch is great. i think having the LIFE in all caps is good without the orange there. and perhaps make 'community' larger to be read easily. thanks so much.
oh yeah, love the picture and orange highlights in #103. can you make the font of #103 like the font in #99 but all caps? plus we like the lines on either side of the word community, but community needs to be larger or perhaps make LIFE smaller to fit so it is not so much bigger than community.
That's great news! I really liked my design very much but I was a bit disappointed at the beginning of this contest, as I was low ranked... Very happy that you did check it again :) I'm here to make any change that you might want.
we want to thank you for the artwork you submitted for Life Community. We liked your interpretation of organic life and community. thank you for your quick responses and excellent artwork. Thank you!