For entry #7 Can we see this in more vibrant colors?
For entry #9 Can the Captial D in the box not be so slanted and is there a way to add something graceful under the word DYNAMICO
For entry #6 Is there a way to add some Vibrant color to the word DYNAMICO maybe the letters are in blue or blue becoming the Watermark in both Entry # 7 and 8
Like the yellow in #8 but a little too gold and would like to see blue somehow combined with the yellow. For entry # 8Can we see the Colored large D in a blue and white with something under the word DYNAMICO to match the graceful fond in the large D
For #23 is there a different watermark that is as graceful but looks more like a D and can we add yellow to this please like the fading of the letters in #18 Thank you
For #18 can we please see it with yellow in it, don't like the peachy color...makes it too feminine Can we switch the font in the circle something less swirly...but not hard and bold please
Thank you
Play with red,,,we are just wondering if we need to add that color to make the word Dynamico stand out, Thank you