sevi: i think the addition of the magnifying glass was a definite improvement, but I'm a little worried that it might look too much like the letter Q next to the other text
i like the magnifying glass better at the just slightly tilted angle. Can you make the word Analytics easier to read? I'm scared it might be too small. Thanks.
getting better every time. my only possible issue is that the inner logo (cross and serpent) come too close to the magnifying glass. i might be wrong on this, but it might look better with the glass enlarged slightly relative to what its magnifying. i like the realistic looking magnifying glass better than the blue one. keep up the good work.
I think we misunderstood each other. I meant that I wanted the cross and serpent to stay the same, and the magnifying glass to get bigger (not by much), not the other way around. Thanks for the quick work though.
i don't think any of these beats the one you sent earlier. I kinda like the concept of the magnifying glass with the numbers, but it looks kinda messy to me.