Glassfairy - would you mind editing #19 for me? I like the scales, but would like to see everything below the W removed showing only the scales above the word Lewis. Many thanks!
Hi glassfairy - I think you may have misunderstood. We'd like to see only the part of the scales above the word Lewis and no design below the word Lewis at all. I'd only like to see the image above the word Lewis exclusively..nothing else.
Hello glassfairy - we're getting a little bit closer. I don't wish to eliminate the words law firm. We'd like to see a further modification with Entry #80. We'd just like to see the scales you created. The remaining design shows a 'heart shape' above. Let's 1). eliminate the heart shape. 2). replace the words LAW FIRM, but leaving the design out of the bottom as you have done already.
glassfairy - thank you for your efforts thusfar. Can you produce something without the circle above as well? Just with the scales. We are closer to what we had in mind for #95, but would be curious to see the scales only.