Hi there, thanks for your submission, i really like it. Could we also see the following for #14 - the 'L' in grey and 'leverage' in gold and I am not sure if you are able, but slightly increase the font size (or maybe change the font) of design & construct.
#13 - not keen on the brown colour used or would maybe prefer to see the colour used in the words 'design & construct' as well as within the box to tie it altogether.
- could we drop the leverage design & construct, so that 'design & construct is more in line with the 'L' as you have done in #14 (i know size maybe an issue)
Hi Leverage, I tried to give a few more alternatives, for the word "Leverage" I change the font the more powerful. I am waiting for good news from you.
1. - I prefer the block colouring of design #20 in the word 'leverage' , so no fading with the colour 2. - we like the font for the words 'design & construct in #13 and #43
3. - there are a couple of style that we like (trying to narrow things down) #21 without the blurring and with bold font colour in leverage #20 #22 with the changes suggested
I now we have focused on these colours but we would like to try some other colour combination. In particular we like a colour lime green you can see it in the link below. Also red orange, brown, as we need tie this into a website as well.
Hi Leverage, thanks for the rank. Thanks for the comments that you gave, I've tried to make a logo like your comments, I am waiting for good news from you at the end of this contest. God Bless You
Can we try some changes with #99 Use the font from #80 Colour Combination from #64 and can you fully justify 'design and construct' to be inline with 'leverage'
regarding #99 My parter likes the font from design #70 would you be able to show us the changes I mentions in the last message and along with the font that i suggested. we would really appreciate it.
Hi Leverage, Thanks for the rank, I've updated according to your request, I hope you are happy with my job. if you have any requests for the make my design looks better feel free to let me know about that, thank