Many thanks for put me second rank at Your contest.
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it. and Don't hesitate if You are still confused about determining logo color versions, You can get more than one logo version. Please let me know.
Once again, Many thanks.
Apologize for late entry. I just arrive at home.
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
Many thanks.
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Many thanks for put me second rank at Your contest.
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it. and Don't hesitate if You are still confused about determining logo color versions, You can get more than one logo version. Please let me know.
Once again, Many thanks.
Best Regards,
Apologize for late entry. I just arrive at home.
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
Many thanks.