#126: Nice icon, but we don't like the font and the colours of the text : "APP" must be more sober, less flashy. Absolut mobile should touch the "p". thx!
okay. The following is how this icon can represent mobility.
mobility comes from the Latin meaning easily moved or many moves from one place to another. concept of the logo: 'move' means having dynamic properties represented by curved lines, the movement is coming from different directions and meet at a point. 3 curved line represents the target of your company is Marketing Director, Sales Director or Manager Digital / New media manager.
Thanks and best regards. (sorry if my english not good :)
Hello ! Could you make a LEVEL : small L - medium E and big V and after the mirror of that ? And same effort with the : APP. Thanks to make the letter respect a curve to give more harmony. We're expecting some inspiration for the slogan in the middle. Your #189 is quite interesting ;)