Hello Mr. Jklaussen, Thank you for your feedback, really glad that you like it, I am not in-front of my computer right now, i will submit more color options by tonight jakarta time:)
Is it possible to see the logos (my favorites are #127, #128, #130, #131 and #132) with all lower case lettering? OR maybe the UP in upper case and everything else in lower case? I really like the idea of all lower case?
thank you - I feel I'm very close
Also, if I go with yours, if I choose a colored background would I also get the inverse of that included? How does that work?
absolutely! will be back with updates and yes, will be send you the original and inverse version, i will send you those 2 files, but if you want more, i have to charge you:)
update: lower case series 1: #214 #215 #216 lower case series 2: #217 #218 #219 upper case of UP series 1: #220 #221 #222 upper case of UP series 2: #223 #224 #225
i make a correction: i will send you a series of files i.e: 214 215 216 , so that will be 3 files you will receive if you choose me:)