Thank you. I am concerned it will not show up enough..can we try it darker without the gradient...same shade, but just solid? Just the word coaching..everything else looks great. thank you.
I just uploaded the requested revision with the black shading. ;) #344
About the letters being brighter... I don't know any other trick to make them even brighter, because there's no brighter color than white. Perhaps you'd like to see them more silver looking? Give me a few moments to try something new. :)
I made it so that the font for the spiral words is the same as the "level up" font, because I believe not only it makes the design more coherent, but it also makes the message clearer: you follow these steps, you level up.
I also darkened the purple, but let me know if that's what you had in mind when you said it was off. ;)
So this is the revision with the words better aligned and the "u" not touching the "p". I will see what I can do about making the white letters pop more. Stay tuned! :D
You're very much welcome! Let me know if there are any other changes you'd like to see. Altough it's way passed midnight, sleep eludes me, due to some late coffee I drank... lol
I wanted to show you more, but noticed I can't because I'm no longer the first... lol. I'm still here for changes, if you want to see any or if there's any point to that now. :D
Did you read my comment on entry #315? If you want the same green I used there, then it means you want gradients, because that's what I used there. Am I right?
OK. So I made all the requested changes, but I have a few questions, as I'm not sure what to do or if I understood you correctly.
1. On one hand, you said you only wanted solid colors, which this entry has. On the other hand you said you liked some of my older entries and you want me to use the same colors I used there, which are gradients. So now I'm a bit confused. And my questions are those:
1. Do I use gradients as "shading" as you call it and solid colors for the rest of the design? Or:
2. Do I only use solid colors? Or:
3. Do I only use gradients? Or:
4. Do I show you all three color variations, which are: all solid, half gradient - half solid, all gradient.
Most likely I will will show you all 3 of them anyway. :)
Good Morning, I have studied very closely the designs and the colors so that I can communicate my thoughts clearly to you to make this as easy as possible. :-)
1. The overall size of the logo - I'd like to see is a bit wider or bigger somehow so that the words are easier to read and so that there is just a titch less of that gray background (moving forward I will call that shading). The designs in Ranked position 1 and 4 give an example of what I mean.
2. There's something about your design #309 that I really like. The words stand out nicely and I like that green shading.
I would like to see the logo with that color green replace the gray. I also really like the shiny effect of this green.
3. For all colors let's use solid, bright, vibrant colors, no gradient. The colors in this particular example here in #311 don't look quite like the colors I want.
4. Mindset really needs to stand out because it is such a big word. Let's put it on blue and maybe make that bottom spiral a big bigger so that MINDSET is really easy to read. I like the blue used in your design #299. I am not sure of the color families available to you, but trying to figure this out...I would like the colors to all be from the same hue, family or whatever it is called, I don't know.
5. I am thinking Purple for Plan -
Red for Action
Yellow or Orange for Success
again, I am not sure...but I do really like the color effects in #309 - crisp, shiny, bright, but clear....
All this said with the color changes and the green background I would also like to see it with that gray background too.
The font is good, I will need coaching to be centered, however, solid colors again, and I will have to think about what colors to use, for now just keep this text in black and it will come to me when I see the new design.
I hope this helps..really looking forward to working with you and THANK YOU!
These options have been super. Thank you for all the options and color variations. I am reviewing them and now and will send you some comments soon. Thanks again, I appreciate it!
I've made a few changes to the spiral. I made it so that as it goes up, it's thicker and thicker, with "SUCCESS" being the thickest to further emphasize it's importance, the finality of the entire process. I also played around with colors. More to come. :)
Here I tried to make the worrds pop even more, by adding them a shadow and by making the spiral colors brighter. I will do the same with the blue and green color spiral as well and post it a.s.a.p.
I like this script and the colors a lot. The green ribbons look like there's a thick line at the top...not a big deal, just want to make sure it can look very crisp.
So that colorful one I just now commented on...maybe it can be more clear like this but with adding the orange on top and either yellow or red somewhere - no purple-
But this one is super too!
a script font for the Level Up Coaching would be nice to see...more vibrant color (deeper, brighter, shiny?), maybe a lighter gray, although I do really like this gray..but I would be curios to see it a tad lighter and the font in gray as well....Perhaps the Level Up in Orange and the coaching in Gray --the same gray as the shading...I think the white words need to stand out more too...but this is so great!
Comment Activity
Once you approve the files here, on Logotournament, I will send you more usefull files to your email address. ;)
I'll get to preparing the files right now and I will upload them shortly.
Warmly, Andra
I'm here if you need to see any other changes!
Warmly, Andra
Here it is: #346
Warmly, Andra
Thank you.
thanks again Andrea!
:-) thank you!
I just uploaded the requested revision with the black shading. ;) #344
About the letters being brighter... I don't know any other trick to make them even brighter, because there's no brighter color than white. Perhaps you'd like to see them more silver looking? Give me a few moments to try something new. :)
I am curious if the white lettering can be brighter?
Also, curious what it would look like if the green shading was black, and the purple replaced by the green color?
Thanks again.
I made it so that the font for the spiral words is the same as the "level up" font, because I believe not only it makes the design more coherent, but it also makes the message clearer: you follow these steps, you level up.
I also darkened the purple, but let me know if that's what you had in mind when you said it was off. ;)
Warmly, Andra
I would like to use a different font for Level Up now - not cursive writing.
Also, I am curious if a different font on the logo would make a difference too.
The color purple on here is a bit off--if there a different purple available?
P.S. I'm so happy you're excited about the logo!
Thank you for making all the changes..I feel like we are almost there. :-)
Now, for the white lettering...just curious if the white can be brighter.
Also, the letters need to be lined up evenly..for example, SUCCESS looks like the CESS needs to come up a bit.
Action isn't perfectly aligned either...but I am sure an easy fix for you..
Thanks again.
Off to bed now. I will look for your feedback in the morning.
Have an awesome day!
Warmly, Andra
and thank you!
and Let's make the coaching solid in that shade of green.
OK. So I made all the requested changes, but I have a few questions, as I'm not sure what to do or if I understood you correctly.
1. On one hand, you said you only wanted solid colors, which this entry has. On the other hand you said you liked some of my older entries and you want me to use the same colors I used there, which are gradients. So now I'm a bit confused. And my questions are those:
1. Do I use gradients as "shading" as you call it and solid colors for the rest of the design? Or:
2. Do I only use solid colors? Or:
3. Do I only use gradients? Or:
4. Do I show you all three color variations, which are: all solid, half gradient - half solid, all gradient.
Most likely I will will show you all 3 of them anyway. :)
Thank you so much for understanding. You're the best! However, if I won't feel too tired, I will also have some ready tonight.
Good mor-vening! :)))
I will try to make all the changes tonight, but I hope it's also ok if I do them in the morning (my morning), which is tomorrow. :)
Looking forward to working with you, too!!!
Warmly, Andra
1. The overall size of the logo - I'd like to see is a bit wider or bigger somehow so that the words are easier to read and so that there is just a titch less of that gray background (moving forward I will call that shading). The designs in Ranked position 1 and 4 give an example of what I mean.
2. There's something about your design #309 that I really like. The words stand out nicely and I like that green shading.
I would like to see the logo with that color green replace the gray. I also really like the shiny effect of this green.
3. For all colors let's use solid, bright, vibrant colors, no gradient. The colors in this particular example here in #311 don't look quite like the colors I want.
4. Mindset really needs to stand out because it is such a big word. Let's put it on blue and maybe make that bottom spiral a big bigger so that MINDSET is really easy to read. I like the blue used in your design #299. I am not sure of the color families available to you, but trying to figure this out...I would like the colors to all be from the same hue, family or whatever it is called, I don't know.
5. I am thinking Purple for Plan -
Red for Action
Yellow or Orange for Success
again, I am not sure...but I do really like the color effects in #309 - crisp, shiny, bright, but clear....
All this said with the color changes and the green background I would also like to see it with that gray background too.
The font is good, I will need coaching to be centered, however, solid colors again, and I will have to think about what colors to use, for now just keep this text in black and it will come to me when I see the new design.
I hope this helps..really looking forward to working with you and THANK YOU!
Warmly, Andra
So that colorful one I just now commented on...maybe it can be more clear like this but with adding the orange on top and either yellow or red somewhere - no purple-
But this one is super too!
a script font for the Level Up Coaching would be nice to see...more vibrant color (deeper, brighter, shiny?), maybe a lighter gray, although I do really like this gray..but I would be curios to see it a tad lighter and the font in gray as well....Perhaps the Level Up in Orange and the coaching in Gray --the same gray as the shading...I think the white words need to stand out more too...but this is so great!
Warmly, Andra
Thanks a lot for your feedback and ranking! I will make the changes and resubmit!
Warmly, Andra