Thank you so much for these lovely ideas! These designs are very reflective of our work.My partner and I both like the graphic from #211 very much. Is it possible to see that graphic with a typography more like the one used with #214? Would it also be possible to see the concept in a horizontal layout (graphic and text on same line)?
I used the spiral for your logo because it is found as an element in many unique pieces of your work. Also most people , if not all, can relate themselves with this ancient symbol that has found its way into the art of almost all cultures. In various mythologies the spiral is a globally positive symbol. Carl Jung, the famous psychiatrist, said that the spiral is an archetypal symbol that represents cosmic force. The spiral shows up often in nature - in hurricanes and tornados, in the pattern of seeds in a sunflower, in the growing tips of ferns, in the pattern that leaves grow on a stem, in the shape of a nautilus shell, and, as a helix, the shape of the DNA molecule. The spiral stands for coming into being, in your case stands for the artwork that you produce, from the state of concept up to the manifestation of the final piece of your work. For me it is the perfect symbol of what you do. In my new (Entry #231 -Entry #234 -Entry #235 ) suggestions you can see the element of melted metal.