Graphica, the birds are perfect in this one, #251. I'm very sorry to ask for one more little adjustment, but I just realized that the tip of the lower cloud is aligned with the top of the larger wind turbine's blade, and when I reduce this logo to put on business cards, the cloud & the turbine will be connected and may look weird. So, please move the lower cloud up just a little bit closer to the higher cloud. I promise that you're my winner, Graphica, so you're not making all these little changes for nothing! Sincerely, Brian
Graphica, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna ask one final thing of you: can you please slide all three birds a little bit to the right, like 0.5 CM, so that the bird on the left is over the highest part of the first pumpjack. You may also have to lower the height of the bird on the right if it's now to close to the sunrays. I promise you this will be the last adjustment, then I will name that logo the winner and you can be paid! Thanks Again, Brian
Graphica, you've nailed my vision perfectly! #247 is my company's new logo. Thank you so very much for all the time and effort you spent tweaking your logo to give me what I wanted. Your responses to my comments and attention to detail were outstanding. You are a true pro! Respectfully Yours, Brian Lemoine
Still not quite there, Graphica. The two birds farthest from the sun are flying towards us, whereas the bird closest to the sun is flying away from us (you can tell by the shape of their wings). So, turn the bird closest to the sun until it looks exactly like the other two birds. Thanks, Brian
Just need to turn the bird closest to the sun 180 degrees so he's flying towards us like the other two birds, then we're done and I'll be prepared to name that logo the winner! Thanks, Brian
Graphica, the direction the birds are flying is great, now. However, the bird closest to the sun is still flying away from us, so please turn that bird 180 degrees and we're done! Thanks, Brian
The sun glare on the solar panels is perfect! Two small adjustments with the birds and we're done: 1. the bird closest to the sun is still flying away from us, so can you please turn him around. Lastly, change the flight direction of all three birds slightly to the right so it looks like they're going to fly over the solar panels, not the wind turbines. Nail these two final adjustments and we've got the winner! Thanks, Brian
Yes, Graphica, I like this better - the sunrays are not so close to the bird. Two more tweaks and we're done, I promise: Using #241, 1. adjust the sun glare on the solar panels to more resemble the sun in the sky, i.e. slightly shorter & thicker sunrays; 2. change the direction (but not the location) that the birds are flying so that they're coming at us instead of going away from us. Once done with these two adjustments, I think we'll be ready to wrap this up! Thanks Again! Brian
We're now in the Winner Selection Phase and #238 is ranked first. Once you make this last adjustment (see previous comment) then I will declare that logo the winner! Brian
Graphica, one last thing before we declare the winner: can you shorten the length of the sunrays a little bit and/or move the bird closest to the sunrays because I'm afraid that when this logo is shrunken to put on business cards it will look like the sunrays are touching that bird. Thanks!
Once again Graphica, you captured exactly what I was looking for. The solar array is now more prominent, but without dominating the scene. I like this one with the smaller panels and I appreciate you creating two for me to choose from. Thank you again for your time and effort. Brian
Graphica, can you please enlargen the field on the right and the solar panels on that field and reduce the field on which the pumpjacks are on, and lastly slightly reduce the size of the first wind turbine, but keep it larger than the second one. One I'm trying to accomplish is this: my main business is solar, but I also do wind and oil/gas work, but I want to display the solar panels a little more prominently. Thanks, Brian
Yeah, I like the birds, think we'll keep them, but can you please move them more to the center of the logo and a little higher so they are above the large pumpjack. Thanks
Graphica, is it possible to put a couple birds flying in the distance in the open area above the larger pumpjack and below the sun and the highest cloud? Just seems like a lot of unused area there. This might clutter the logo, but I'd like to see what it would look like. Thanks, Brian
OK Graphica, now we're getting very precise: please move the sun a little farther to the right to where its positioned directly over the second, smaller pumpjack. Once we get the sun where I want it, I think your logo will be exactly what I envisioned for my company's logo! Brian
Graphica, I like this sun, but can you move it very slightly back to the right (away from the cloud) and move the sun slightly up so a little bit less of the sunball is showing. Almost there!
Graphica, too drastic of a change with the sun. I liked the original sun, would just like it moved towards the center with more of the round sun showing and shorten the sunrays, but keep it at the top of the logo like you had it.
Graphica, I know I'm being picky, but could you move the sun a little bit left, towards the center, but not in the center, and show a little bit more of the sun itself and shorten the sun's rays just a little bit. Thanks
Graphica, just so I can see the difference and decide which I like best, can you please add a comma after SERVICES and a period after INC so the company name reads LEMOINE LANDMAN SERVICES, INC. Thanks, Brian
Graphica, this looks outstanding! I will let you know if I think of any additional changes, but can't think of any now. You're definitely a finalist and my first choice at this time. Thanks for your quick and precise revisions and responses. Brian
Graphica, I love this one and can only see one additional change that would make it better: please use the same shade of black in the motto "WE MAKE IT HAPPEN" as you used in #51. Thanks, Brian
I like this very much and I think you're close to nailing down my vision. Please see my recent comments about the changes to "Lemoine", the sun / cloud locations, and first wind turbine's size reduction. Thank you for your quick work and responses! Brian
Graphica, I appreciate and like these changes. May I ask for a couple more: 1. Slightly reduce the size of and change color of "Lemoine" to black; 2. Move the sun to the right side of the logo so that it's positioned over the solar panels & move the cloud that's over the solar panels to the left so that its over the wind turbines with the other cloud; 3. Slightly reduce the size of the first wind turbine, but keep it larger than the second one. Thanks, Brian
Graphica, I like your designs very much, so far they're my favorites, especially #23. Please see my earlier comments about the name and coloring the sun. Thanks again! Brian
Graphica, I see where this one is also yours. I actually like the darker colors on this one more than the lighter colors on your other one. If you could make the name changes I suggested on my previous post to this one instead, I'm pretty sure that you will be one of my finalist. Thanks, Brian
I like the design, characters and color pattern very much. Is it possible to redesign the name portion of the logo so that "Lemoine" stands alone on its own line, with "Landman Services Inc." on the next line beneath it? "Lemoine" should be larger than "Landman Services Inc." also.
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I like this very much and I think you're close to nailing down my vision. Please see my recent comments about the changes to "Lemoine", the sun / cloud locations, and first wind turbine's size reduction. Thank you for your quick work and responses! Brian