Thanks for all of your help. I would like to use for future design work. Can I have your contact information? You can reach me at My name is Bryan Ledin.
Can you show me what this logo looks like using -
1. Replace the S with a C and replace the word Sports with Camps
2. Replace the S with a L and replace the word Sports with Leagues
3. Replace with S with a T and replace the word Sports with Tournaments
I think we are getting closer. I like this S much better. However, I love your original X. That's what makes this logo for me. Can you replace this X with that one.
I wonder if we should use that same X when your spell out Xperiences or do you think that would take away from the LSX?
This is our parent company. Attached to this we are also going to have 3 subcompanies:
LSX - Legendary Sports Xperiences (Parent Company that owns these other 3) I want them all to blend in together.
After speaking with our team, we have decided that we would like to keep S in LSX the colored part of this design. The S is a little longer at the top. Can you cut it so that is uniform in size and then bring the X a little closer to offset the space.
LSX is our parent company. Then we are going to have 3 divisions below it each having a different color combination which is not yet decided.
LCX which is Legendary Camp Experiences
LTX which is Legendary Tournament Experiences
LLX which is Legendary League Experiences
I just want all of the brands to stay aligned with each other. Does this make sense?
Remove the E. Leave your mark needs to be smaller as it's just a tagline. Maybe center Aligned. I like how you have the X pointing to Sports. Leaving your mark on Spots. I would like that X to be a big edger.
I like were you are going here. I think the X should be in teal not the S. Remove the word Experiences. We are not using the E in Experinces anyway. Lets make the bid X be the I would like to see the big X be part of the work Xperineces. We might have to move up the words Legendary Sports so it looks like Xperiences is all one word even though we are using the big X.
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1. Replace the S with a C and replace the word Sports with Camps
2. Replace the S with a L and replace the word Sports with Leagues
3. Replace with S with a T and replace the word Sports with Tournaments
I wonder if we should use that same X when your spell out Xperiences or do you think that would take away from the LSX?
This is our parent company. Attached to this we are also going to have 3 subcompanies:
LSX - Legendary Sports Xperiences (Parent Company that owns these other 3) I want them all to blend in together.
LCX - Legendary Camp Xperiences
LTX - Legendary Tournament Xperiences
LLX - Legendary League Experiences
LSX is our parent company. Then we are going to have 3 divisions below it each having a different color combination which is not yet decided.
LCX which is Legendary Camp Experiences
LTX which is Legendary Tournament Experiences
LLX which is Legendary League Experiences
I just want all of the brands to stay aligned with each other. Does this make sense?